Acupuncture and IVF
Chinese medicine has been shown to increase the success rates of IVF to up to 70% (Shulan Tang, Lifang, German study)
The British Acupuncture Council has produced a briefing paper on acupuncture and IVF to provide a comprehensive review of the current research in this area. Below is a summary of the main points:
- Studies have shown that Acupuncture has positive impact on the birth rate of sub fertile women undergoing IVF/ICSI.
- 11 reviews found acupuncture to significantly improve clinical pregnancy rate.
- A recent high-level review found acupuncture to significantly improve birth rates.
- Studies indicated that acupuncture treatments can reduce stress and/or anxiety and increase women’s ability to cope with the IVF process.
- Current research supports the findings that acupuncture during an IVF or ICSI cycle, with increased frequency during ovarian stimulation and at the time of transfer, can have a statistically positive effect on clinical pregnancy and live birth rate.
- A comprehensive systematic meta-analysis indicated that acupuncture treatment may be beneficial in IVF/ICSI for improving the clinical pregnancy, implantation and live birth outcomes.
Regular treatments for optimal results
Patients are encouraged to attend regular acupuncture treatments before IVF for optimal results. However, if this is not possible there are still many positive benefits when using acupuncture alongside your IVF treatments.
Below is a general guide on how acupuncture can help at different times of your IVF cycle.
While all clinics have slightly different procedures, the underlying principle remains the same.
Down regulation
Down regulating medication is given to suppress the ovaries and “shut down” their natural cycle so that egg maturation is better controlled during IVF treatment. Patients may experience symptoms such as headaches, emotional lability, hot flushes or night sweats. Acupuncture may be effective in alleviating those symptoms. When patients get a menstrual bleed towards the end of down regulation acupuncture is used to ensure that the uterine lining will shed completely. This allows for a good quality lining to form during the stimulation phase.
Ovarian stimulation
During this phase, treatment is focused on stimulating the ovaries in order to encourage follicular growth and increase blood circulation to the womb to thicken the uterine lining.
Egg collection & Fertilisation
Acupuncture to be administered as soon as possible before egg collection. Acupuncture at the time of egg collection can help to reduce anxiety and stress sometimes caused by this waiting period before your transfer. Acupuncture can also accelerate the healing process after the procedure. It is also recommended that if you have a partner, he also receives acupuncture treatments prior to egg collect, which may improve sperm quality and quantity.
Embryo transfer
This is the most important time to have an acupuncture treatments as it can significantly improve chances of successful implantation. Two acupuncture treatments are administered, one before and one after the transfer.