Acupuncture and pregnancy
Acupuncture is very safe to have during pregnancy and is an effective option at a time when many women choose to avoid taking medicine for minor ailments.
During pregnancy?
Acupuncture may be beneficial for a wide range of conditions such as::
- Morning sickness
- High/low blood pressure
- Anxiety
- Tiredness
- Constipation
- Tender breasts
- Migraine and other headaches • Back ache
- Pelvic pain (SPD)
Acupuncture can turn breech babies
An adjunct technique to acupuncture called Moxibustion has been used for many centuries to turn breech babies. Acupuncture scientific studies have found promising results for the turning of breech babies; somewhere in the region of 80% success rate.Pre-birth acupuncture
Pre-birth treatments help to prepare your body for labour: helping to support the ligaments and sinews as they stretch to widen the pelvis, helping to soften and ripen the cervix, helping the baby to descend into the pelvis in the optimal position, as well as boosting your energy reserves. Pre-birth treatments start at week 36, and are then carried out weekly at week 37, 38 and 39. Depending on how the mother is doing, a week 40 treatment may be recommended.Acupuncture and labour
Acupuncture can help to induce labour in overdue pregnancies. Acupuncture induction can only be administered when the mother has passed her due date. During labour acupuncture and acupressure points can be used for pain relief and to boost the mother’s energy. Acupuncture can also be used to restart labour if it has slowed down or if contractions have stopped.After the birth
Acupuncture can be used to increase energy levels, to promote healing and to combat the ‘baby blues’. It also is very helpful in treating mastitis.Juliet has helped hundreds of patients to get better. Here’s what they have say about their treatment:
Juliet is a deeply intuitive and knowledgeable practitioner and I always leave feeling calm, balanced and restored after a treatment with her.