Auricular (ear) Acupuncture
Auricular acupuncture is used to promote the flow of vital energy
Auricular acupuncture (ear acupuncture) is a specialised complementary therapy where acupuncture points on the ear are treated using small needles. It works by inserting the needles at specific points relating to internal body functions. There are over two hundred points on the outer ear.
Auricular acupuncture is a beneficial treatment for many conditions, particularly:
- Anxiety
- Addictions
- Cravings
- Depression
- Sleeping problems
- Smoking cessation
- Stress
Advantages of Ear Acupuncture
After treatments, people report: increased mental clarity, improved ability to cope, improved alertness, improved ability to sleep, reduction of aches and pains, reduction of depression and anxiety (AWB, 2009).
Juliet has helped hundreds of patients to get better. Here’s what they have say about their treatment:
Juliet is a deeply intuitive and knowledgeable practitioner and I always leave feeling calm, balanced and restored after a treatment with her.